ST Database - shipInitiating Sequence in Progress ......

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Excelsior class star ship (CGI)
800x315 24kb
USS Reliant (NCC-1864) in space
640x480 40kb
Enterprise-A in space (CGI)
640x480 29kb
Enterprise-A passes a moon to spacedock
1152x769 98kb
Enterprise-A passing by a planet
1152x488 53kb
Enterprise-A ready to launch
1024x998 143kb
Enterprise-A inside spacedock
1024x768 101kb
Enterprise-A entering a spacedock
899x703 92kb
Enterprise-B ready to launch
800x442 101kb
Enterprise-B flying near a sun
800x600 58kb
Original E with planet background (CGI)
640x480 45kb
Enterprise-B with sun background (CGI)
640x480 34kb

Holodeck 3
updated pictures are highlighted in red