ST Database - shipInitiating Sequence in Progress ......

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file name size info description
dsn2.jpg 320x236 33kb Deep Space 9 station
defiant3.jpg 800x600 33kb Defiant with sun bkgrnd (front view, CGI)
defiant1.jpg 640x480 34kb USS Defiant in space (top view)
defiant.jpg 640x480 51kb USS Defiant in space (top view)
defiant4.jpg 550x377 35kb Defiant in orbit
wo_runab.jpg 762x499 21kb Runabout flies out the Bojoran wormhole
fight02.jpg 640x480 51kb Fed star ships at DS9 fighting enemy
voyager.jpg 576x384 31kb USS Voyager in space
voys02.jpg 600x450 39kb Voyager (NCC-74656) close shot
voy176.jpg 320x236 28kb Voyager's shell is penetrated by a beam
voy174.jpg 320x235 20kb A beam is shooting at Voyager's shell
voyager4.jpg 1024x768 87kb Voyager passing by a planet

Holodeck 3
updated pictures are highlighted in red