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Star Trek Sound Files updated: June 16, 1997
. . . . . . N E W . . . . . .
. . . . . . . Computer Voice (short) . . . . . . .
collection of all files in this category zip (444kb)
"enter authorization code"
wav (42kb) zip (30kb)
"enter access code" (DS9 computer)
wav (57kb) zip (42kb)
* uploaded by Mark Phillips
"specify parameters"
wav (67kb) zip (37kb)
"incoming subspace signal"
wav (36kb) zip (27kb)
"input algorithm not accepted"
wav (113kb) zip (63kb)
"logs accessed"
wav (16kb) zip (13kb)
"link established" (DS9 computer)
wav (12kb) zip (7kb)
"specified security channel scrambled" (DS9 computer)
wav (70kb) zip (66kb)
"please restate command"
wav (40kb) zip (28kb)
"command unclear, please repeat" (DS9 computer)
wav (25kb) zip (14kb)
"stand-by" (DS9 computer)
wav (28kb) zip (20kb)
* uploaded by Mark Phillips
"priority recognition alpha-1"
wav (63kb) zip (30kb)
"1 minute to auto-destruct"
wav (29kb) zip (22kb)
"emergency power engaged"
wav (30kb) zip (22kb)
"warning" (DS9 computer)
wav (33kb) zip (28kb)
* uploaded by Mark Phillips

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. . . . . . . . . Computer Voice (long) . . . . . . . . .
collection of all files in this category zip (893kb)
"Stand-by. Unable to complete requested function. Please abort and retry." (DS9 computer)
wav (144kb) zip (96kb)
* uploaded by Mark Phillips
"Request denied. All authorization codes are void." (DS9 computer)
wav (109kb) zip (81kb)
* uploaded by Mark Phillips
"Warning. Unauthorized use of command code." (DS9 computer)
wav (77kb) zip (61kb)
* uploaded by Mark Phillips
"Warning. Warp core collapse in 10 seconds."
wav (41kb) zip (30kb)
* uploaded by Todd Wright
"Authorization accepted. Awaiting final code to begin auto-destruct sequence."
wav (54kb) zip (42kb)
* uploaded by Rogue
"Auto-destruct will designate in 4 minutes and 59 seconds." (male voice)
wav (70kb) zip (46kb)
"Computer to Security Chief Odo. Please acknowledge." (DS9 computer)
wav (134kb) zip (81kb)
"Lieutenant Dax is on level 7, section 5." (DS9 computer)
wav (76kb) zip (48kb)
"There is one message waiting for you." (DS9 computer)
wav (79kb) zip (48kb)
"There are no records matching that name." (DS9 computer)
wav (29kb) zip (16kb)
"Receptors open. Control relays activated." (DS9 computer)
wav (100kb) zip (61kb)
* uploaded by Mark Phillips
"The automatic pilot system is not functional."
wav (86kb) zip (50kb)
"Calibration is locked and normal. Diagnostic underway." (DS9 computer)
wav (91kb) zip (52kb)
"Diagnostic complete. Sensors are functioning normally." (DS9 computer)
wav (87kb) zip (49kb)
"Requested function will require 2 hours to complete." (DS9 computer)
wav (35kb) zip (27kb)
"Spectral analysis will take approximately 7 minutes." (DS9 computer)
wav (88kb) zip (52kb)
"Inquires regarding command functions are no long accepted from your present location."
wav (130kb) zip (56kb)

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. . . . . . . . . Computer Sound . . . . . . . . .
collection of all files in this category zip (84kb)
Hologram activation sound
* uploaded by Rogue
wav (17kb) zip (13kb)
computer sound
* uploaded by Rogue
wav (19kb) zip (12kb)
new door chime
* uploaded by Stuart Duel
wav (32kb) zip (15kb)
computer warning sound
wav (13kb) zip (10kb)
computer sound
wav (8kb) zip (6kb)
computer initiating task sound
wav (25kb) zip (16kb)
computer finishing task sound
wav (28kb) zip (15kb)

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. . . . . . . . . Sound Effect . . . . . . . . .
collection of all files in this category zip (48kb)
energizing sound from TOS
wav (44kb) zip (39kb)
door opening sound from TOS
wav (11kb) zip (9kb)

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. . . . . . . . . Music . . . . . . . . .
collection of all MIDI files in this category zip (58kb)
Star Trek First Contact midi music midi (30kb)
* uploaded by Jason Rasmussen, Joe Hinson, Joshua Johnson, Matt
midi of Star Trek movies
ST II.mid ST III.mid ST IV.mid ST VI.mid
zip of 4 files (40kb)
* uploaded by Jason Rasmussen

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. . . . . . . . . Human Voice . . . . . . . . .
collection of all files in this category zip (526kb)
EMH Doc - "I am a doctor, not a door stop."
wav (19kb) zip (12kb)
* uploaded by Rogue
EMH Doc - "This isn't part of my program."
wav (17kb) zip (11kb)
* uploaded by Rogue
EMH Doc - "Welcome to sickbay. Take a number."
wav (95kb) zip (66kb)
EMH Doc - "I can begin my new career as a tricorder."
wav (47kb) zip (34kb)
Kirk - "Prepare to attack. All hands to battle stations."
wav (19kb) zip (17kb)
* uploaded by Marty
Kirk - "Captain's log, stardate 1709.2."
wav (37kb) zip (28kb)
* uploaded by Marty
Riker - "Don't try to be a great man, just be a man..."
wav (61kb) zip (25kb)
* uploaded by Rogue
Data - "Greetings."
wav (11kb) zip (6kb)
* uploaded by Rogue
Troi - "So don't go criticizing my counseling technique."
wav (45kb) zip (24kb)
* uploaded by Rogue
Troi - "You're looking for my professional opinion as ship's counselor - he's nuts."
wav (71kb) zip (41kb)
* uploaded by Rogue
Worf - "Assimilate this."
wav (19kb) zip (15kb)
* uploaded by Rogue
Worf - "I meant no disrespect."
wav (76kb) zip (43kb)
Worf - "You are not in my shoes."
wav (85kb) zip (48kb)
Lilly - "I think you got him."
wav (17kb) zip (9kb)
* uploaded by Rogue
Scotty - "Captain, we are losing power in the warp engine."
wav (26kb) zip (17kb)
* uploaded by Marty
Borg - "We are the Borg. Lower your shield...."
wav zip (134kb)
* uploaded by Rogue

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DB Sound Holodeck 3