ST Database - tngInitiating Sequence in Progress ......

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file name size info description
tng60.jpg 320x234 33kb Picard and Troi having a conversation
databq1.jpg 430x336 18kb Data and Borg Queen
tng64.jpg 320x236 31kb Geordi and Wesley in the Engineering
tng68.jpg 320x236 29kb (Picard talking to) Data
tng84.jpg 320x238 33kb Beverly hugging her son, Wesley
tng85.jgp 320x233 33kb Picard and Data on the bridge of E-D
tng114.jpg 320x236 30kb Bevery Crusher and Geordi LaForge
tng13.jpg 320x240 12kb Picard, Beverly, and Data
troiworf.jpg 428x480 32kb Counselor Troi and Lt. Commander Worf

Holodeck 3
updated pictures are highlighted in red