================================================================ H O L O D E C K 3 screen saver for Windows 95 ================================================================ -- VB4 32bit RunTime Library Required -- D E S C R I P T I O N ----------------------- == A screen saver that will randomly display LCARS (or called == Okudagram, fictitious computer interface used in == Star Trek: The Next Generation and other Star Trek shows). File Version: 1.01 freeware Released Date: May 29, 1996 ______________________________ With VB4 32bit RunTime Library ============================== zip file name: hd3.zip ( Holodeck 3.scr ) zip file size: 280 KB ( unzipped 1 MB ) _________________________________ Without VB4 32bit RunTime Library ================================= zip file name: hd3_vb.zip ( Holodeck 3.scr , vb40032.dll , olepro32.dll , msvcrt40.dll ) zip file size: 850 KB ( unzipped 2 MB ) Author: Rob Chen E-mail: r-c@msn.com my HOLODECK 3 www site: http://www.starbase21.com/holodeck3/ ( You can find more Star Trek related files in my homepage above!!! ) ============== Instruction: ============== 0. Unzip the file. The file name of the screen saver should be "Holodeck 3.scr" ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Move "Holodeck 3.scr" to your Windows 95's system directory. usually C:\windows\system\ ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Check whether you have VB4 32bit RunTime Library in your Windows 95's system directory. The RunTime Library consists of three system files vb40032.dll , olepro32.dll , and msvcrt40.dll If you have them already, skip below and go to step 3. If this zip file contains these 3 library files, then move them also to the Windows 95's system directory. If this zip file only has "Holodeck 3.scr", you will need to download the VB4 32bit RunTime Library usually from the place you got this file. Sometimes they are zipped to names such as vbrun.zip , vb40runt.zip, or vbdlls.zip . ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Go to Control Panel, and choose "Display." In the Display window, select "Screen Saver" tag. In the screen saver list, find and select "Holodeck 3." Make any changes to password and time wait if you want, then click OK to close the Display window, and you're done !! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ======= Note: ======= * Sound is not implemented in this version. I know you wish it was .... * Please e-mail me any comments. All comments are welcome. :-) * If you have any questions, please e-mail me at r-c@msn.com * More info can be found on my Holodeck 3 web site at http://www.starbase21.com/holodeck3/