ST Site Submit Initiating Sequence in Progress ......

  Experience the
Holodeck 3 web site
  HD3 simulation.
A list of Star Trek related web sites on the Internet will be featured on Holodeck 3 in the near future. The list will contain reviews and ranks of ST related sites. Also it will have features that no other lists have.

Please submit any Star Trek related web sites that you think Holodeck 3 should list. If you have already inform me your ST web site URL through e-mail, do not hesitate to submit it again.

Please take a moment to fill out this form. Sites submitted will be reviewed by Dave Galanter (author of ST:TNG Novel - Foreign Foes) and me.


Star Trek site's URL :  
Title of this site :
[ optional ]
Physcial Location
of this site :
[ optional ]

Notable Feature(s)
of this site :
[ optional ]
Your Comments
(good & bad)
on this site
you're submitting :
[ optional ]
Your Name :
[ optional ]
Your E-mail :
[ optional ]

If you are the author of the site that you're submitting, you can skip the following questions and press the SUBMIT NOW button below.
Do you wish to be credited when the List Page is done?
[ optional ]
Yes No  
Your Web Page's Title :
[ optional ]
Your Web Page's URL :
[ optional ]

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