Star Trek Picture Files
TNG Personnel Page sorted by image quality
file name |
size info |
description |
poster5.jpg |
1024x768 77kb |
TNG crew & the Enterprise D (painting) |
poster6.jpg |
804x1005 65kb |
TNG crew & the Enterprise D (painting) |
crew1.jpg |
1024x768 125kb |
TNG crew (black & white color) |
tngcrew2.jpg |
396x350 31kb |
TNG Crew |
tngcrew6.jpg |
1024x690 79kb |
TNG Crew (1st season) |
tngcrew4.jpg |
576x428 28kb |
TNG Crew (including Wesley) |
poster4.jpg |
512x400 32kb |
TNG crew (including Wesley) |
tngcrew5.jpg |
534x561 57kb |
TNG Crew (funny cartoon) |
tngcrew3.jpg |
676x362 84kb |
Picard, Riker, Troi, and Worf |
picard3.jpg |
384x256 14kb |
Captain Jean-Luc Picard |
picard2.jpg |
762x544 41kb |
Captain Jean-Luc Picard in sailor uniform |
picard4.jpg |
400x313 16kb |
Locutus (a.k.a. Borg Jean-Luc Picard) |
file name |
size info |
description |
picard1.jpg |
290x480 18kb |
Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) |
riker3.jpg |
256x384 10kb |
Commander William Riker |
tng55.jpg |
320x235 30kb |
Commander William Riker |
tng67.jpg |
320x236 29kb |
Commander William Riker |
beverly2.jpg |
500x679 46kb |
Chief Medical Beverly Crusher |
beverly1.jpg |
256x384 19kb |
Chief Medical Beverly Crusher |
beverly4.jpg |
673x365 82kb |
Beverly Crusher in sailor uniform |
beverly3.jpg |
671x363 64kb |
wet Beverly Crusher in the holodeck |
tng70.jpg |
320x236 30kb |
Chief Medical Beverly Crusher |
tng11.jpg |
320x240 11kb |
Chief Medical Beverly Crusher |
tng12.jpg |
320x240 12kb |
Chief Medical Beverly Crusher |
tng74.jpg |
320x238 33kb |
Commander Data |
file name |
size info |
description |
data2.jpg |
356x435 19kb |
Commander Data (Brent Spiner) |
tng113.jpg |
320x235 32kb |
Data's head is being diagnosed |
data1.jpg |
640x480 52kb |
Commander Data |
troi2.jpg |
400x458 36kb |
Counselor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis) |
troi1.jpg |
400x500 53kb |
Counselor Deanna Troi in sailor uniform |
deanna1.jpg |
384x256 11kb |
Counselor Deanna Troi |
tng72.jpg |
320x238 32kb |
Counselor Deanna Troi |
geordi2.jpg |
256x384 12kb |
Chief Engineer Geordi LaForge |
tng121.jpg |
320x235 32kb |
Lt. Commander Worf |
tng71.jpg |
319x238 32kb |
Lt. Commander Worf |
worf1.jpg |
640x480 62kb |
Lt. Commander Worf |
guinan2.jpg |
512x400 26kb |
Guinan |
file name |
size info |
description |
tasha1.jpg |
500x729 38kb |
Lieutenant Tasha Yar |
tasha2.jpg |
565x720 62kb |
Lieutenant Tasha Yar |
tng94.jpg |
320x235 29kb |
Q |
tng106.jpg |
320x237 35kb |
Q |
tng89.jpg |
320x236 31kb |
half naked Q |
ro1.jpg |
754x800 56kb |
Ensign Ro |
soran1.jpg |
384x256 15kb |
Dr. Soran from the movie, ST:Generations |
tng59.jpg |
320x237 33kb |
(Picard talking to) Wesley Crusher |
tng60.jpg |
320x234 33kb |
Picard and Troi having a conversation |
tng64.jpg |
320x236 31kb |
Geordi and Wesley in the Engineering |
tng68.jpg |
320x236 29kb |
(Picard talking to) Data |
tng84.jpg |
320x238 33kb |
Beverly huggin her son, Wesley |
file name |
size info |
description |
tng85.jgp |
320x233 33kb |
Picard and Data on the bridge of E-D |
tng114.jpg |
320x236 30kb |
Bevery Crusher and Geordi LaForge |
tng13.jpg |
320x240 12kb |
Picard, Beverly, and Data |
troiworf.jpg |
428x480 32kb |
Counselor Troi and Lt. Commander Worf |