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An open notice to Scoop Guy, and all

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Posted by Mike Wright on January 13, 1998 at 23:46:58:

I feel I have to make an apology to the responces I made earlier... They were not thought out well enough to deserve posting, however as most people know the last few weeks have been unerving as I prepared to kill my parents. But now that they are dead, I feel much better and more in control of my responses.

I took a look at your page... While offending only in that its put together like a home page for a five year old, the information was rediculous and frighteningly enjoyable to read. It was only after reading your bio on yourself that I realized that you don't actually take these rediculous scoops seriously. Because if you did, I live only an hour from Beverly Hills, and can use radar tracking to beat the crap out of you with a bent spoon. :)

Well, anyway, I wanted to say that just about everything I said before was pretty dumb, but depending on if you are some kind of human, you might understand what its like to have no nerve. I'm not criticizing myself, and don't take this as a complete apology. I still don't trust you. This board has been a little more out of control in my absence to warrent anything good.

And to clarify my position on this board to all of you, there is no position. I seem to remember saying that several times, but no matter. Rob Chen and I have mearly a passing acquantance, and I have occaisionally offered to help him clean up the board. The extent of this involves writing down the HTML numbers of the messages which violate the rules of the board, and send them to him through email. Everyone else can do the same thing, Rob is not prejudice. My superiority complex seems to have sprung from that time that this board went to crap (it was the latest trouble from Sheerin I believe... he's been a good boy since, though still annoying) and everyone left. I was the first person to say to hell with finding another board, I want HD3 as our personal board, for just the few of us that really wanted to talk trek. I came and used very foul language and threatening letters to get the board cleaned, and I got a thank you letter from Rob for doing this. And so, every time afterward that I saw a message the strayed even a bit from Star Trek or just seemed rediculous, I let loose on that person. It was never personal, but of course everyone made it personal and it went from there. My mental status outside the board began to deteriorate, and it not only showed up here but at work as well. It was a true miracle that brought me to California. I feel like I've finally figured out what was wrong in the first place.

So if you guys don't mind, I'd like to go back to my original role around here... The guy who gave his opinion on stuff, and tried to help people write cool stuff, even if it IS fan fiction. Cause frankly, original stuff is hard... and if you try and make it a pass time, you'll end up putting a gun to your head.

But anyway, I'm off subject I think... I hope this place can become a little more civilized, of course it's not my place to do anything about it. No one has the right to enforce anything...

And as for Sheerin, look at it this way... He's still where I was, except he TRULY has no way out. So give him a break. Allthough, don't be too loose on him, we're liable to be looking for another board again. :) j/k

And as for Scoop Guy... I don't want to be your friend. I don't want to be your enemy. Just tell me that what your doing is for the pure purpose of being silly and making people laugh, and I'll laugh right along with it. But if you honestly believe this stuff, then I'm just going to stay out of it.

And as for whoever it was who took me hostage...



And Berserker, Locutus, and some others: I'm sure you hate my guts, and come to think of it, I don't think you ever liked me... But anyway, it really doesn't matter to me. My friends are my friends and they've given me a reason to be that. There aren't any forms or anything out on the net that tell me who should, or shouldn't, or who is or isn't my friend. All that I know is that I've done a lot that they care about, and they've done a lot that I'm proud of. Not to attack you, but I don't see you as having any higher position here than anyone else, so don't tell me who needs to grow up. If you want to attack me, then fine. I don't particularly care. But at the same time, I'm not going to ignore you. It's always seemed stupid to me that someone can "not acknowledge someones existance." Well, I don't care what you did, or who you did it for, but I know your a real person who has every right to say what he wants around here. And I'm not going to stick up for anyone. If someone gets attacked, then let the person being attacked respond. No one else. Chances are, Rob will have it deleted off the board before anyone sees it anyway. :)

Just remember... It's just electromagneticpulses traveling along one tiny thread throughtout this small planet in this galaxy.

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