Holodeck 3Initiating Sequence in Progress ......

Hello. Thanks for visiting my site. This is Rob Chen, author of Holodeck 3 web site. I started out this web site in 1995 as a combination of my own interest and self-challenge to see what the web could do. I am still amazed to see how fast the web and Internet technologies have grown in just few years right before my eyes. I thank everyone who continuously visits and spreads words about this site.

All interface images (based on Okudagram) seen on this site are done by myself. If you are interested in knowing what tools are being used to create this site, click here (creation page)

Here is a little profile about me.
I have graduated from the University of Stony Brook, New York in May, 1997. My major was Computer Science. However, later I changed my mind to . . . . . . . Mathematics, which is not a quite popular major, especially when this Unabomber thing going on recently. After graduation, I am interested in being a programmer in Visual Basic or web related jobs. So far, I have written two public programs in VB4, Holonote and Holodeck 3 screen saver.

Well, I guess you have figured out that I am Chinese based on my last name. True, CHEN is a very common Chinese last name. Some others are LEE, WONG/WANG, CHANG, and etc. I was born in Taiwan, ROC (stands for Republic of China), the one with a more democratic government. I reside in New York City, which is why you are seeing Eastern Time on my page.

If you'd like to send me an e-mail, please click here (e-mail) for my address.
Hope you enjoy it . . . . . . Rob Chen

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This page is best viewed when using Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0+ with screen resolution 800x600 in High Color or better.

HOLODECK 3 is created and maintained since November 1995.

click on here for my e-mail address