AWARD LOG - last updated January 1, 1997

Here is the list of awards that Holodeck 3 web site has been received.
Thanks for your supports!

MS IE (Internet Explorer)
Listed in Top 10 Web Sites of the First Week (Feb. 96) for Internet Explorer by Microsoft.
Here is what's mentioned about Holodeck 3 ... "One of the coolest-looking sites we've seen! The interface is amazing, and even people who aren't Star Trek fans will enjoy it."
Click here to view a list of all weekly top 10 web sites for Internet Explorer chosen by Microsoft.
Yahoo Selected as one of The Ten Best Star Trek Sites in the December 1996 issue of Yahoo! Internet Life, part of the celebration for 30th anniversary of the Star Trek.
"Best "Here's to You Mrs. Roddenberry" Site - Simply one of the best Trek sites for serious fans and newcomers alike, Holodeck 3 is crammed with nifty graphics, video clips, and computer-generated art. This site is so much like a Starfleet computer you'll swear you hear Majel Barrett (Gene Roddenberry's widow and the voice of all Starfleet computers). Holodeck 3 comes in a text-version for the modem-challenged, but the beauty of the site is its main attraction." ... quoted from Yahoo! Internet Life.
Yahoo Got a good presentation/content symbol ( Yahoo's Rating Symbol) from Yahoo, the most popular Internet search engine.
The Cobb Group - Site of the Month Selected as Site of the Month in The Cobb Group's April 1996 Journal "Explore The Net."
Here is what's mentioned about Holodeck 3 ... "Holodeck 3 makes good use of Internet Explorer's capabilities and is a must see for Star Trek fans." "This site is destined for the Favorites menu of every Star Trek fan."
Project Cool
Selected as Site of the Day on March 12, 1996 by Project Cool Sightings.
Magellan 3 Star Site Got 3 out of 4 stars from Magellan rating site in 1996.
Star Trek Site of the Week - selected by USS Internet Selected as Site of the Week in June, 1996 by USS Internet.
Here is what's mentioned about Holodeck 3 ... "The very good graphics, along with useful information and some good multimedia files, make the Holodeck 3 an interesting site to visit. Also, a whole section is dedicated to Star Trek related programs (mainly for Windows 95), including screensavers and fonts. Rob Chen's work is a nice example on how to set-up a *good* Star Trek homepage."
Best of Campus Selected as one of the BOC (Best of Campus) by The Internet Board at MDLink in May, 1996.
K'Mel Honor Site Selected as one of the K'Mel honor sites on K'Mels Guide To Klingon Cyberspace web page in August 1996.
WebScout - Way Cool Links Selected as one of the way cool links under Entertainment & Hobbies section at Your WebScout site in August 1996.
USF Top Pick for the Day Selected as Top Pick of the Day (Aug. 20, 1996) at the United Space Federation site. HD3 also received the rating of Admiral, the highest rank, at USF.
WebStar GOLD Award Received The WebStar Award - GOLD in September 1996.
Simon's DS9 Cool Site award Got a COOL badge on Simon's Deep Space Nine site in September 1996.
Star Trek Site of the Night award Chosen as the Star Trek Site of the Night on September 3, 1996. Here is what's said about HD3. "This Star Trek page has been one of my favorite for as long as I've known about it. it has the best graphical interface that I've seen (a sure competition to the Official ST Web Page). Download anything you can amagine and get tons of info about anything closely related to Star Trek. But for those of you with older 9600 modems, don't worry. There's still a low graphics version available for you here also. This site has it ALL."
Cathy's Cool Site Award Chosen as the winner of Cathy's Cool Site Award on September 29, 1996.
Shakaar Top 5 October '96 Selected as one of the Top 5 October sites at Shakaar Society site in 1996. "Allows the user to choose to access the information using a neat interface or just text." ... quoted from Shakaar Society site.
Kevin`s Pick of the week Selected as one of the Pick of the Week sites on Kevin's Places to Go page in October 1996.
Jonas's Award Selected as page of the week at Jonas Andersson's web site in November 1996.
Hot Spot award of Game Briefs Selected as one of the cool sites on Game Briefs site's Hot Spots. Here is what's said about HD3 (November 1996) ... "This is the penultimate site for fans of all that is Trek."
Cmdr. Grey Wolf's Lair Award 3 out of 3 Got a score of 3 out of 3 in Cmdr. Grey Wolf's Website Award. Received in December, 1996.
the Net Magazine Selected as one of the sites of the month in December 1996 issue of the Net magazine (page 54).
Lavendise Fairy Award The Magical Fairy Site Award, given by Lavendise web site, was received in December, 1996.
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HOLODECK 3 is created and maintained by Rob Chen since November 1995.