Holodeck 3 Initiating Sequence in Progress ...... click here to go to   Star Trek Database page


STARBASE-21 link to Starbase-21
web site provider
Thanks to STARBASE-21 web site provider for hosting my HOLODECK 3 site on their server. For info on getting a web site on STARBASE-21 web server, you can visit their homepage at www.starbase21.com.

I'd like to thank all of you who have given me supports through e-mails or my guest log. Since there are just too many of you (it is impossible for me to list all of the names ), I can only list the ones who had uploaded me files or gave me new ideas and suggestions that I have adopted.
I am sure that many names that should be listed are not here, because my Exchange mail file was badly damaged for several times. I am terribly sorry for the missing names.
Please e-mail me if one's name is missing.

Hero Aban www.andrews.edu/~hero/
Ross Adlam [email protected]
Asif T. Ali www.center-nebula.com
Scott W. Arnold [email protected]
Robert Baillet missing
Dominic Bosco [email protected]
Grant Buchberger [email protected]
Phil Bylaska [email protected]
Charbonnet [email protected]
Yuan-Ming Chiao [email protected]
Manuel Collazo [email protected]
Michael Damatov [email protected]
Tony Davis [email protected]
Mathieu Desjarlais [email protected]
Darren & Janet Ehlers www.starbase21.com/
Raafat Fahim [email protected]
David Ferreira [email protected]
Ron Franks [email protected]
Tom Frazer [email protected]
Dave Galanter www.tir.com/~sgent
Gil Gardner [email protected]
Timothy Gavin [email protected]
Reuben Gray [email protected]
W.Henderson [email protected]
imager [email protected]
Rob Johnson [email protected]
Andr� Jonsson [email protected]
Patrick Lahey [email protected]
The Lakes [email protected]
Vincent M. Lee [email protected]
Bart Majerski [email protected]
Pascal Martel [email protected]
Calvin Martin [email protected]
Marty [email protected]
Jim Mason [email protected]
Scott McNutt [email protected]
Frank J. Mikulastik missing
Christian Missling [email protected]
Jeffrey Moon [email protected]
Girish Nazhiyath [email protected]
Nelson [email protected]
Rik C. Neutelings [email protected]
David Norris [email protected]
Jason Norris [email protected]
Dennis Nunez [email protected]
Marc S. Ragusa, Esq. [email protected]
Gilles Reichert [email protected]
Rick [email protected]
Arnold G. Rickert [email protected]
Leon Roberts [email protected]
Larry Rosenthal [email protected]
Ross [email protected]
I. Sanders [email protected]
Sandra Schoenet [email protected]
Joe Lee Shrode [email protected]
Lilian Alves da Silva [email protected]
Adam Smith [email protected]
Matthew Smith [email protected]
Bill Stone [email protected]
John Tackett (K'Mel) members.aol.com/kurkura/kurkura2.htm
Jim Tindall [email protected]
Dragan Tomas [email protected]
Uros [email protected]
Richard Verde [email protected]
Edwin Walstra www.euronet.nl/users/ewalstra
Russell Wood [email protected]

- Rob Chen who is Rob? October 25, 1996

        click here to view some info on how I create this site

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HOLODECK 3 is created and maintained since November 1995.

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