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Julian Bashir
Chief Medical Officer

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Julian Bashir updated on June 16, 1997

Dr Julian Bashir, Lieutenant Junior Grade is the chief medical officer. He was born in year 2341 ("Distant Voices"). Son of Richard and Amsha Bashir. His original name is Jules Bashir ("Dr. Bashir, I Presume").

He is wet behind the ears, but thinks he knows it all. He just graduated from Starfleet medical (second from the top of his class) and came out here because this is where heroes are made and this is where the adventure is (even though he was offered a cushy job at Starfleet Medical).

He is the antithesis of Kira who is street wise savvy but wiser and cynical.

O'Brien becomes Bashir's confidant. As a man who has seen combat and a decorated veteran of Starfleet duty, O'Brien represents an ideal to the young doctor.

Julian greatly respects Sisko, but is terrified of him. He is anxious to live up the commander's expectations. Sisko is amused by Julian and is very patient with him. This is the wilderness. He's got a lot to learn.

Bashir was almost chosen to be a template for Starfleet's holographic doctor by Dr. Zimmerman on stardate ~50600 (in year 2373). Later a secret of the Bashir family was uncovered that Julian was genetically enhanced at the age of 7. His father, Richard Bashir, is responsible for this. Now, everyone knows Bashir is genetically enhanced. When O'Brien and Bashir play darts, O'Brien has an excuse to make Bashir stand farther away ("Doctor Bashir, I Presume").

Julian was romantically involved with the waitress, Leeta. But they broke up happily on Risa on stardate ~50280 ("Let He Who is Without Sin").

He was patterned after Michael J Fox.

Julian Bashir is portrayed by Alexander Siddig.
related outside link
  • Unofficial Alexander Siddig/Siddig El Fadil Website - The Doctor's Exchange (go)
  • Alexander Siddig Picture Page (go)
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