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Tuvok updated on June 16, 1997

Tuvok is more than 100 years old. He was born in 2264 ("Flashback"). He was once assigned to USS Excelsior and served under captain Sulu.

He married to his wife, T'Pel, in the beginning of 24th Century ("Ex Post Facto").

He attended to and resigned from the Starfleet in the 23rd Century, but he returned to the Starfleet later in the 24th Century.

Before Voyager and Chakotay's Maquis ship were transported to the Delta Quadrant, Tuvok was being an infiltrator from the Starfleet on the Maquis ship ("Caretaker").

Tuvok underwent his Pon Farr (the every-seven-year Vulcan mating season) on stardate 50537 (in year 2373, "Blood Fever").

Tuvok was once joined with Neelix in a transporter malfunction on stardate 49655 ("Tuvix").

Tuvok is portrayed by Tim Russ.
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