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Beverly C Crusher
Chief Medical Officer

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Beverly C. Howard Crusher updated on June 16, 1997

Beverly C. Howard Crusher, MD is a widow and mother of Wesley S Crusher, whose father (Jack) was killed while serving under Picard in year 2354. She was born October 13, 2324 (Paul and Isabel Howard) in Copernicus City, Luna. She also lived on Aveda Three as a child ("The Arsenal of Freedom") (incorrectly spelled "Arvedda" in the novel "Children of Hamlin") where her grandmother lived.

She attended SFA from 2349-2355 ("Conundrum"). She was head of Starfleet Medical for one year in year 2365 ("The Child"). During this year, Dr. Katherine Pulaski served as Enterprise-D's Chief Medical officer. Dr. Crusher returned to Enterprise-D in year 2366.

Her grandmother, Felisia Howard, died in year 2370 (stardate 47423) ("Sub Rosa"). Her son, Wesley Crusher, left her for exploring other dimensions with the traveler ("Journey's End"). And she hates to use EMH (Emergency Medical Holographic) program ("Star Trek: First Contact").

(Aside: Cheryl "Gates" McFadden started going by her middle name when she stopped doing B movies.)

She resided in deck 8, room 2133 on Enterprise-D. She is currently assigned on Enterprise-E.

Beverly Crusher is portrayed by Gates McFadden.
related outside link
  • Chief Medical Officer Beverly H. Crusher (go)
  • Ray's Crusher/McFadden page (go)
  • Gates McFadden Picture Wing (go)
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