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Communication Forum Archive. This is the archive for message threads between Mar. 12, 1997 & Mar. 20, 1997

You're free to read all messages. However, if you want to reply to a message listed here, please go back to the main Comm. Forum page to start a new message thread.

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  • Search for new Star Trek computer themes - Jim Kayne 12:10:37 3/13/97 (1)
  • thanks Mike I think you fixed it Funny Captions - Highlander 10:43:49 3/13/97 (29)
  • How about htis for a Voyager... - Michael 10:32:21 3/13/97 (4)
  • Funny captions - Highlander 10:14:16 3/13/97 (3)
  • HEY FLIP..!! Where's your PAGE - Highlander 08:19:47 3/13/97 (0)
  • Someone asked about Terry Farrell - Highlander 07:52:36 3/13/97 (1)
  • Collectibles Pricing - Michael 07:29:40 3/13/97 (6)

    Message threads between 3/08 & 3/12 have been archived. You can find them here.

    Message threads between 3/01 & 3/08 have been archived. You can find them here.

    Message threads between 2/15 & 3/01 have been archived. You can find them here.

    Message threads between 2/01 & 2/15 have been archived. You can find them here.

    Message threads between 1/16 & 2/01 have been archived. You can find them here.

  • Welcome! - Rob Chen (Holodeck 3 author) 09:09:38 1/16/97 (0)


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    this discussion forum script is provided Matt Wright and can be found at Matt's Script Archive

    Holodeck 3 web site is created & maintained by Rob Chen since November 1995